Why Setsubun Falls on February 2 This Year

The beauty of the old Japanese seasonal celebrations is that they remind us of the constancy of the seasons. Has your winter been long and cold? Take courage—Setsubun means that spring is coming!

Plum blossom

When Is Setsubun 2021?

You probably already know about Setsubun 節分, the seasonal divide. Its the day before Risshun 立春, or the official beginning of spring according to the old Japanese lunar calendar. Normally, Risshun falls on February 4, making Setsubun February 3. The date is carefully determined by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 国立天文台. Did you know, however, that this year, Risshun falls on February 3, meaning Setsubun comes a day early on February 2, 2021? This is for the same reason that we have leap years every four years—in other words, our use of the 365-day solar calendar.



Did You Know? We are actually adding a little too much time back into the calendar (about 4 hours and 45 minutes too much, over the course of 400 years, that is). In order to create a balance, we will have to forego Leap Day three times every 400 years.

 What Are the Setsubun Traditions?


Oni mask and fuku mame

If you grew up in Japan or in a Japanese family abroad, you might have celebrated Setsubun by doing mame maki 豆まき, or bean scattering. Other traditions include eating fuku mame 福豆, lucky beans, and silently munching on eho-maki 恵方巻, lucky-direction roll. All three of these traditions have to do with bringing good fortune or good health into ones home.

Mame Maki


There are a few variations on mame maki. One variation is to simply throw soybeans out of the house while shouting, Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi! 鬼は外、福は内 meaning something like, Goodbye and see you never, bad luck! Come in, and be our guest, good luck! Oni 鬼 means ogre, and the second variation on mame maki is for the whole family to throw beans at the one member wearing an ogre mask. The third variation is basically a money catch. Kids (and adults) gather at local shrines to be pelted with soybeans and money (one, five, ten, or fifty-yen coins).


Fuku Mame

Another beanie tradition is to eat fuku mame 福豆, or roasted soybeans. Typically, you eat the number of beans that correspond to your age while praying for a happy and healthy life. Fuku mame usually come in sake-masu” 酒升, the square, wooden sake cup that is still used as a unit of measure.

Fuku mame

Tip! For obaachan and ojiichan, eating the number of soybeans corresponding to their age might end in a huge stomachache, so instead, they can drink fuku cha 福茶. This is made by boiling roasted soybeans in water, adding plum or kelp, and enjoying it as a smoky-flavored tea.


Ehomaki is a kind of futomaki 太巻き, or thick sushi roll filled with fortune-bearing ingredients—what those ingredients are doesnt matter so much as the number: 7, for the seven gods of fortune 七福神. Ehomaki is meant to be eaten in silence without pausing while facing in the lucky direction (this year, nan-nan-tou 南南東, or south-southeast, the point between south and southeast). If your ehomaki is particularly thick or long, you will have extra time to reflect on your Setsubun wish!


Sushi roll

Allergen-free square ehomaki using rice paper instead of seaweed. 
7 ingredients: gluten-free vinegar rice, greens, carrots, avocado, white meat fish, dried baby sardines, pickled plum

The tradition of ehomaki developed between the Edo (1603-1868) and Meiji Periods (1868-1912) in Osaka. Geiko 芸子 were the first to eat the sushi rolls (originally called maru kaburi zushi 丸かぶり寿司 or in-one-mouthful-sushi) as they prayed for their business to thrive. Maru kaburi zushi spread nationwide thanks to a convenience store campaign in 1989, which renamed it ehomaki.

That's it! Which variation of mame maki do you like best? What ingredients did you use for your ehomaki, and were you able to locate south southeast? Let us know in the comments below!


  1. I like the mame maki where Ebizo family throws you stuff at Naritasan Shinshōji! 🤣

    I didn’t know the eho maki ingredients had to be seven. Ooooops

    1. What kind of stuff do they throw? Is it their family's tokubetsu na mame maki?

      Oops! Maybe you can try 7 next time. I actually didn't eat mine in silence, hehe!

    2. I think they throw beans and also money and other prizes! Many famous actors and other people gather there! But, Nartiasan Shinshoji is their home temple. That's why you say "Nartitaya!" to cheer them on stage!

    3. I see! That's why Naritaya!

  2. I never knew about Ehomaki till recently! When I was growing up, we used to just throw only a few beans outside (because it's too mottainai) and eat the rest. No one played the role of oni!

    1. Oh, so I wonder since when ehomaki has become so popular!
      Ohh, I guess that is rather monttainai to throw away good beans!
      Did Mama say the serifu?

    2. I think eho-maki became popular in the last 30 years or so. Just because conbini started selling it. I do wish they'd give the leftovers to the homeless shelter or just give them away for free at each location, though. It's too tragic to throw them away. Probably some people who lost their livelihood last year could use it!

    3. Oh, what a capital idea! I wish someone could make it happen!


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